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Rabu, 28 Mei 2014

Life After Death (Stage After Death)

Life After Death (Stage After Death)

After the dead man will experience the following stages :

1 . Alam Barzakh
The Salaf agree on the truth of torment and favors that exist in the grave (Barzakh). Favors is an essential favor, so did His adzab, not just a shadow or feeling as claimed by most experts heresy. Question (slander) tomb apply to both the spirit and the human body of believers and unbelievers. In an authentic hadith the Prophet mentioned always seek refuge in Allah from the torment of the grave. Prophet mentions some of the evildoers who will get the wrath graves, including those who

a. Likes pitted
b. do lie
c. Reading the Qur'an but do not do what is commanded and prohibited in Al'Qur'an
d. adultery
e. devour usury
f. Not to pay the debt after death ( people who owe money will not go to heaven because of retained debt )
g. Not purification after urination, so it is still unclean.

As for who can save someone from the punishment of the grave is obligatory Prayers, sawm, charity, and good deeds such as honesty, friendship connect, that doing good deeds and do good to mankind, also seek refuge in Allah from the torment grave.

2. Blowing Shofar
Shofar is a trumpet is blown by the angel Israfil waiting governed by God. The first puffs will surprise people and kill them at the will of Allah, as described in the Qur'an:
"And the trumpet is blown and God died everything in the heavens and on earth, except what is desired by Allah" (Surah Az Zumar : 68).
These gusts will shake the whole of nature with the harsh and severe shocks that ruin the whole arrangement is perfectly natural. He will make a mountain into a flat, stars collide, the sun will be rolled, then there goes the light around the objects in the universe. After that the state of the universe back as early creation.
Describe the awesomeness of God when such destruction as his word : " Hey peoples, keep your duty to your Lord; actually tossing the Hour is an event that is very large (powerful). (Remember) the day (when) you see it jiggle, lalailah all women who breastfeed their children from child breastfeeding and die content of all women who are pregnant, and you see the man in a drunken state, when in fact they were not drunk, but God's wrath very hard " (QS.Al Hajj :1 - 2).
While in the second trumpet is a hoot to arouse the whole man; "And the trumpet (second), all of a sudden they come out immediately from the grave (toward) their Lord. (Surah Ya Sin : 51).
Rasulullah SAW said, "Then the trumpet is blown, where no one remains but everything will be destroyed. Then Allah sends rain like dew or shadows, and the human body's grows. Then the second trumpet is blown back and humans also appear (rose) and standing" . (Narrated by Muslim).

3 . Awakened Day
"On the day when they are raised to Allah, and preached to them what they have done. God gathers (notes) the act, when they have forgotten. And Allah is witness over all things". (Surat al Mujadilah : 6).

4 . Padang Mahsyar
"( It is) the day (when) the earth is replaced with another and the earth (as well as) the heavens and they all gathered in the field Mahsyar appear before Allah Almighty, The One All- Mighty" (Surah Ibrahim : 48).
Hasr is the collection of all creation on the Day of Judgment for the exploited and taken His decision. The length in Padang Mahsyar is one day versus 50,000 in the world. Allah says:

" The angels and Gabriel ride (facing) to the Lord in the day that the levels are 50,000 years old. (Surat al Maarij : 4).

Since the very length of the day, people feel their life in this world just like an hour.

And (remember) the day (which at that time) shall gather them together, (they felt on that day) as if they had never dwelt (in the world) but only a moment in the day. (QS.Yunus : 45) .

"And on the day of Resurrection, those who oath sin, that they are not stayed (in the grave), but after a little while" (Surah ArRuum : 55).

As for those who believe on that day felt like a long time between Asr dhuhur and alone. Subhanallah.

The current state of the infidels as his word. "Infidels wants if he can redeem himself from the wrath of the day with his children, with his wife and brother, and the relatives who protect it when in the world, and the people on the earth entirely, then (expect) that ransom can save him". (QS.AlMa'ARIJ :11 - 14).

5 . Intercession

Intercession is specific only for Muslims, provided they are not doing major shirk which led to disbelief. As for the polytheists, disbelievers and hypocrites, then there is no intercession for them.

This intercession is given to the Prophet Muhammad Muslims (with the permission of Allah SWT).

6 . Reckoning

In stage (phase), Allah SWT showed their deeds and sayings do they launched, as well as everything that happens in the life of the world in the form of faith, keistiqomahan or infidelity.

Every man kneeling on their knees. " And you see every nation summoned to (see) the record books to his credit. On that day you are requited for what you do. (Surat al Jatsiah : 28).

Beings who first judged Muhammad is people, we the people of the latter but the former is judged. The first time an accounting of the rights of God in Prayer is a slave, was the first to be tried among humans is a matter of blood.

Allah Almighty says to the heathen : " And you do not do a job without Our witnessing you at a time when you do it". (Surah Yunus : 61). All members of the body will also be a witness.

God said to His servant what he has done in the world : "Then, by your Lord, we will surely question them all about what will nominally do first". (Al Hijr :92 - 93) .

A servant will be asked about : his age, his youth, his property and his deeds and will be asked about the favor he enjoyed.

7 . Division of deeds
In the final seconds of the calculation, each slave will be given the book (charity) which includes its complete sheets of deeds which he has done in the world.
Book, here are the pages containing notes written by a charity angel assigned by God.
Humans are best in conduct for the world, the charity will receive a note from the right. While the poor man to his credit will received a note from the charity behind and to the left, such as the word of God the following:

"The person who is given his book in his right hand, then it will be checked by a simple examination, and he will return to his people (who are both believers) joyfully. The person who is given his book from behind, then he would shout : "woe to me" and he will enter into a flaming fire (hell)", (Surat al Insyiqaq :8 - 12).

"The person who is given his book of him to his left, then he said: "You would that my book would not be given to me (this), and I do not know what death would be me. TO all of you reckoning that is completed once all sometimes. My rich not  benefit for me. it waslost my power away from me " (God said) : "Seize him and keep the hand to his neck ", and then insert it into the fires of hell are burning." (Surat al Haqqah : 25, 31).

8 . Mizan

Mizan is what God put on the Day of Judgement to weigh the deeds of His servants. Allah says : "And we will put the appropriate scales on the Day of Judgment, then a aggrieved Nor slightest. And if (the deeds) seeds weighing only sawipun sure we bring (His reward). and Sufficient are We to take account. " (Surat al- Anbiya : 47)
After this state Mizan, those who disbelieve, and those who commit shirk shall enter hell.
While other Muslims, going through the next stage of Ponds.

9 . Ponds
Muhammad 's people will come to the water in the lake. Those who drink from the lake then he will not be thirsty forever. Every prophet has a lake, respectively. Ponds Prophet bigger, grander and more spacious than the others, as his saying :

Surely every Prophet has a lake and they actually compete to get more followers among them and indeed the Prophet Muhammad  hope for making this more followers (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim).

After the lake, the Muslims will step into the next stage of Faith Someone Exam. It should be noted that the infidels and those who commit shirk been to hell (after stage Mizan, as described above).

10 . Trials of Faith
Over in the world, looks like the hypocrites, for they reveal their Islamic faith. In this phase the falseness of their faith will be known, including their dim light. They were not able to kneel as prostration of the believers. When herded, these hypocrites whining that the believers await and guide the street. because that's really dark and no light except that there are instructions on their bodies.

Allah said, "On the day when the hypocrites men and women will say to the believers: "Wait for us so we can take some of your light" Said (to them) : " Return to your own back and look for light (for you)". then held among those who have doors. In the next wall to it there is mercy on the outside of it there is the torment. ( QS.Al hadid : 13).

After the Muslims who pass through this stage of Faith Trials, going through Shirat.

11 . Shirat
Shirath is spread across bridges the hell , to cross the believers towards Jannah (Paradise).

Some Hadith about shirath
Indeed the prophet Muhammad was asked about shirath, then he said :

Place derail, topped iron burned and barbed hooks and large plants, it has a harmful thorn like in Najd called Sud'an tree. (Narrated by Muslim)
"It has reached me that the shirath thinner than a hair and sharper than the sword". (Narrated by Muslim)
"There are passing shirath like twinkling of an eye and there were like lightning, there are like puffs of angina, there are fly like a bird and there is nothing like the person riding the horse, there are one hundred percent safe, there were abrasions and some are drowned hell in hell". (Narrated by Bukhari, Muslim)

The very first cross a shirath was the Prophet Muhammad and the leaders of his people. He said: "Me and my people are the first to be allowed past the shirath and when no one was talking, except the Prophet and Apostles pray O God save, sav . (HR Bukhari).

For those Muslims who make it through the shirath, the next stage will be to bridge.

12 . Bridges
Bridge here is not shirath located above Hell. The bridge was laid after successfully passing shirath believers who are above Hell.

Rasulullah SAW said : "A believer will be freed from the fire of hell, then they laid on the bridge between Jannah (paradise) and hell, they will each diqhisash each other over their kezhaliman world. After them clean and free of everything, then they were allowed to enter Jannah. By the One whose hands the soul of Muhammad Him, get to know one of you in Jannah residence rather than place of residence in the world" (Narrated by Bukhari).

After passing the bridge then the believers enter Paradise.

conclusion :

After the above explanation we live. wait, what we will experience in the hereafter, in accordance with what we are doing in this world. Hopefully Allah SWT give strength and always guide us to remain unchanged in his path in order to reach his paradise and kept away from the torment of hell thy God yes. because we are afraid of the punishment of hell Thy O God.

sources :

1 . Posters 'Life After Death' (in the form of a diagram and explanation phases each phase)
2 . Translation edition of Life After Death by Shaykh Muhammad Jasim Al Muthawwi Three . Al Yaum Al Final, Juz I, II, III by Dr . Umar Sulaiman Al Asyqar
4 . Sharh Al Hadi Ila Lum'atul I'tiqad Rashad by Shaykh Uthaymeen Sabilir
5 . Tahdheeb Sharh Ibn Abil Ath thahawiyah by Izz Al Hanafi
6 . Tadzkirah , Imam Qurtubi
7 . At Takhwif Minan Naar by Ibn Rajab Al- Hanbali
8 . Hadiul Spirits Ila Biladil Afrah , Ibn Qayyim Al Jauziyah
9 . Nihayatul Bidayah wan Nihayah by Ibn Kathir al hafidz
10 . Ahwalun Naar by Muhammad Ali Al Kulaib .

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